And not only that but Kaisa sent along these extra goodies

Kaisa, thank you so much!! I have a winter theme box in mind where your skis will go and your prep board will go into my vintage kitchen on baking day, if I can ever find the time to finally get started.
As some of you know, my kitchen has undergone major real life renovations since Nov.

I hope, if things work out, to be back to minis sometime in May and to start my bread box kitchen then. Yup! that's the one I meant to start in the spring of 2010!
I'm going to make a bigger effort to stick to the plans I have for making some specific room boxes instead of just letting them remain as ideas floating in my head and not get side tracked by all the lovely things I see some of you making.
I hope to be on facebook or here every once in a while ....but I'm not sure how much time I'll have. I'll keep reading all your blogs so watch for a comment now or then.
In the meantime, have a lovely spring!