I am & this is why: I just won a hyacinth, my favorite springtime flower and an old fashioned bread box from Pei Li. Don't they look fab!! I'm determined to work on my bread box kitchen in the next few months so that bread box will come in really handy. Oooh, a pun!
I've got to admit Pei Li or as she terms herself, the miniature patisserie chef, is truly a patisserie masterchef. Working entirely with air-dry clay she comes up with the most wonderful bakery creations. If you saw that photo on it's own, wouldn't you think it was real?
Frankly I've never tried air-dry clay. Maybe one day, once all my fimo's used up. I think there's a big difference in the texture that you can achieve with air-dry that you can't replicate with polymer clay. If you enjoy a good read take a look at Pei Li's blog, I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Pei Li, thanks again!!
There's a new Hobbit movie in the making. Wonderful video with an additional movie trailer:
By the way, I actually did start my craft studio clean up on Monday & have been working in there every day this week. So far I've supplied the Goodwill with approximately a years worth of stuff for them to sell; removed 2 double sized shelving units and 3 single units; taken out a bank loan to buy bins ...and I could really use more still! I converted the closet for shelves to house the bins. I can actually walk the perimeter of the room but not in the middle yet! My stuff has spilled into 3 other rooms of the house and unfortunately I have no hope of getting finished before the end of next week.
To be fair.... before you think me a right pig & one of those hoarders you read about, let me explain that for the past three years, not only have I been housing craft supplies for miniatures but also the smaller antiques that I sell ...in a room that's maybe 10x12 feet. I finally got to the point where I had small shelving units in front of large ones. For about a year now, I've made do with a worktable space not much bigger than 18 inches square. I'd started working at my kitchen table again and wasn't happy about my newly remodelled kitchen being messy all the time. With the economy so poor recently, I've been trying to sell the antiques that I already have and not buy more. This week I had a run on Royal Albert china but didn't have a clue what to replace it with. Because I sell antiques on a part time basis only, I've never bothered with inventory control. Unfortunately going to auctions sometimes means that you come home with box lots containing the one item you really wanted along with many more items that you didn't. So far I've found enough items to not only fill up that one market shelf but also to change the display on two other shelves. So I'm really pleased!
I have only one problem: I have a clay class with Kathi Kuti this weekendKathi is a most talented sculptor who sells at the Bishop show; I have one of her dormice and a white rabbit. Some day I hope to make an Alice teaparty scene. She's agreeable to me making 2 Humpties as long as I supply my own clay for the second one. My problem is all my clay as well as my chalks and my tools are buried in the remaining mess in the middle of the room.
If I find everything, I'll show you my Humpty on Monday and my room whenever, LOL. Wish me luck!!
Ever since I got my life back, I seem to dissipate my time browsing my email groups ...or my google reader ...or eBay. Then there's always Etsy to look at...
I mean, I have finally finished that ski slope mountain of dirty laundry & you can again see my kitchen table. I've dug my new garden bed and planted all the plants that I brought with me from the other house. I did build my raised veggie planter and should be expecting peas and beans, red onions and kohlrabi, lettuce as well as a variety of herbs any day now ....but the one thing I haven't yet gotten started on is my studio/craft room.
I am now bearly able to get past the door.On the other hand, maybe today is too nice a day to work! I was just sent this auction notice:
ITEM# 7762
Large architects model or child's doll house 1850 to1900. This house was either made as a prototype for a larger commission or is the largest doll house we have ever come across. Measures 68 inches wide at the sides, 70 inches at the base, 31 inches deep front to back of the house, 45 at base, 60 inches to the top of the roof and 64 inches to the top of the chimneys. Original working doors and window, staircases and fireplace. In need of some restoration. You can see more photos by clicking this link. This could be yours for a ridiculously cheap $8,500US.
Maybe I'll just make a start on my room.....
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Isn't this the most awesome little flower! My favorite too, a hyacinth: the best of all the spring bulbs because of it's wonderful aroma. Pei Li is offering this as a giveaway on her blog.
Please do not copy or use my photos without permission
These photos are put on the website to share and inspire- but they are the property of Mini Ramblings and Musings. Please ask permission before using them for any purpose.
I'm a part-time antiques dealer who got into dollhouses and miniatures by chance when I got a fantastic deal of dollhouse furniture at an auction and I've never looked back.