Finger tip to finger tip should equal the distance, less than 1/8", of the height of the doll

Make sure that thumbs and big toes face each other. The easiest way is to hold the doll facing away from you.

Once you're all set, use hot glue to hold the pipe cleaners in place. You could also use regular glue as long as you have the time to wait for it to harden.

The instructions say to use quilting batting to fill out the limbs. Of course, I don't have any so I raided the first aid kit.

Now to achieve a realistic pose ...nothing worse than a beautifully dressed doll standing stiff and looking like a mannequin.
You can add clay to your porcelain doll and rebake.
The best way to sculpt is at eye level. I use a turn table sitting on a footed cake stand that way I can turn it easily. When you're claying with warm hands, less handling means less smudging.

Now comes the hardest part ...costuming!