Google Translator

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Thursday, October 14, 2010


I've added a "flag" translator to the top of the page for anyone reading this blog. I always assumed that Google translates automatically but perhaps different people read this blog in something other than a reader or via Google dashboard.
Took me a little while to get the html code working correctly as I only have limited coding knowledge. I'm still assuming that Google translates automatically since Google help was no help whatsoever! I did, however, find a couple of site with the code written & ready to copy.
So this is for Gemma, and anyone else who needs the translator: He añadido un traductor 'bandera' en la parte superior de la página. ¿Podría usted, hágamelo saber si esto funciona para usted. Gracias por ser tan interesados

abrazos Karin


  1. Perfecto!!! Estupendo!! Muchas gracias y perdona las molestias.
    Un beso

  2. Realmente se encuentra de todo en la red, ya sabe que yo utilizo uno de estos traductores, y así se simplifica mucho la tarea, por cierto perdón por que se que en ocasiones las traducciones no son perfectas.
    un abrazo

    I really can find anything on the net, you know that I use one of these translators, and thus greatly simplifies the task, by the way sorry for is that sometimes the translations are not perfect.
    a hug


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